Sometimes life deals you cards you just want to throw back on the table. It does not work that way. Just when you think you have a path planned out, the road curves and you have to take a detour. With the on set of years you wonder how many more detours and crossroads will you have to face. I don't believe the answer is even attainable. Until the day you take your last breath, nothing will go exactly as you envisioned it.
"Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans"
John Lennon
Amen Brother !
Price to Pay music and lyrics written and recorded by B.Kirby 2009
There have been changes all around You know my life's been turned upside down. But it's alright,Yes it's alright we all have to pay a price sometime, a price sometime. my cup it ain't empty there is still room to fill It ain't what I want, but I will do as you will, and it's alright, yes it's alright we all have to pay a price sometime. There is a reason for it all pride always comes before a fall now is the time to stand tall show me the way, the way through it all. The storm is still raging no rainbow in sight But I know your promise will keep me alive and that's alright, yes it's alright we all have to pay a price sometime, a price sometime. we all need to pay a price sometime...